Colloidal Silver Information

Colloidal Silver is all natural, it is made up of tiny nano particles of pure silver, suspended in pure distilled water. Colloidal silver works by disabling the metabolism of single cell organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, at the cellular level. The positively charged silver ions in the colloidal silver bind to the negatively charged enzymes and proteins of the pathogens, causing them to clump together and become unable to function properly. This can lead to the disruption of the pathogen's cellular respiration, DNA replication, and other vital functions, eventually leading to their death. Colloidal silver's effectiveness against specific pathogens can vary, but it is generally considered to be a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. 

Our family has found that colloidal silver can be effective for various purposes, including but not limited to clearing up UTIs, cold sores, burns, dog skin infections, cats uti's and eye problems, gum disease, insect bites, and more. Using colloidal silver has helped us avoid scarring from burns, revive dying goldfish, reduce health concerns in our rescue hens, and soothe sunburns. We've also found that it helps with plants' fungal problems, bad breath, cuts and grazes in children, sore eyes, eye infections, and ear infections.

It's important to note that while we continue to have positive experiences with colloidal silver, more studies are needed on the effectiveness of this product. Additionally, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before using colloidal silver or any natural remedy, especially if you have underlying health issues or are taking medications. The information shared on our website is based purely on our personal experiences and some of our customers experiences and is not intended as medical advice or a substitute for professional medical treatment.

We hope that sharing our personal experiences with colloidal silver will help others who are looking for natural ways to support their health and wellness needs. While we hope that our experiences may be helpful to others who are researching natural remedies, we do not guarantee that others will have the same results. We encourage our customers to seek medical advice when needed. 

Let's discuss Argyria - If you've ever researched Colloidal Silver, you're likely familiar with the "Blue Man" phenomenon. But don't worry, turning blue is not a concern with properly made colloidal silver. In fact, you would have to consume an impossible amount of silver to reach the levels that can cause Argyria. The blue tint seen in some individuals is a result of improperly made colloidal silver, with silver particles much larger than nano size due to the addition of salt. The most famous case of Argyria involved a man who appeared as a guest on the Oprah Winfrey show, and drank liters of his homemade colloidal silver daily, which was made with salt water. Our high-quality ionic/colloidal silver is produced using pure water and does not contain potentially harmful additives. You can trust our products for safe and effective use. 

Further reading:

The medical uses of Colloidal Silver throughout history

A Closer Look At Colloidal Silver By Peter A. Lindemann​​